[Fab-user] Put gives me access denied on Windows
Matthew Gusenius
2016-02-04 18:22:40 UTC
I am trying to get a Fabric Script to "put" a file on a Windows system. I have installed OpenSSHd on this system and I have successfully run many functions from Fabric, but Put will always give a permission error.

My fabfile code follows:

def install_Builds_L():
env.user = 'Administrator'
env.password = 'passwd'
env.warn_only = True
prompt('Enter the path to the install files: ', 'inst_path', default='C:\Fabric\Builds')
with lcd (env.inst_path):
run('cmd /c md C:\\fabric_upload', shell=False)
put('build*', 'C:\\fabric_upload')

The output will be put() encountered an exception of Permission Denied. Here is the -show=debug output

File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\paramiko\sftp_client.py", line 805, in _co
raise IOError(errno.EACCES, text)
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

Disconnecting from ***@ done.
Disconnecting from done.

I don't understand the Errno 13 from paramiko...my user is the creator of the folder and has full control over it. FreeSSHd is using NT authentication so I am actually logging on as the local Administrator account. I've been working around this by mapping network shares and copying them over, but then every time I run a script on Linux I get annoyed at how easy it is since I can just use the Put function.

I've been chewing on this for quite a while now. Any help would be appreciated.

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